The Magnetic Solar Cycle
What is the Magnetic Solar Cycle?
The Magnetic Solar Cycle is the periodic change that occurs to the Sun’s Magnetic structure over the course of the roughly 22 years it takes for the Sun to roll twice over its axis. The cycle has 2 Solar minimum and 2 Solar maximum, each roughly 5.5 years long.
During Solar minimum the magnetic structure forms a spherical toroidal magnetic structure from pole to pole, with a powerful Z-Pinch inside the Star. This structure forms a dipole to the Equatorial perspective and a Quadrupole to the Poloidal perspective.
During Solar maximum the magnetic structure forms 3 seperate toroidal magnetic structures. In-between each toroidal magnetic structure, field lines are shown to exit where the opposing magnetic structures meet. This results in considerable surface activity and the formation of Sun Spots and Solar Flares. The Z-Pinch is no longer at a uniform potential difference along the Z axis of the Star. The Poloidal perspectives does not observed any change to the Magnetic quadrupole structure. The Equatorial perspective has changed direction/phase and now exits/enter above or below the Equator where the waves merge between the 3 quadrupoles.
Solar Cycle Magnetic Structure in 2D
The National Astronomical Observatory of Japan provided a graphic of the 2D Magnetic field change of 1 phase of the 2 phase 22 year cycle. In this graphic the uniform Toroidal field during Solar minimum is shown to have a cycle of 11 years. Which is Equal to half the cycle of the 22 year oscillation. While in-between the Solar maximum Magnetic field structure is shown as a Quadrupole with the field lines exiting the Equatorial region. The arrows on top of the field lines do not represent propagation direction of the 3D Magnetic Wave. They are used to represent the flight direction of potential energy of the Helical Wave.
Helicity - flight/spin direction of the wave is shown using positive and negative symbols and arrows. During the period that North is positive and South is negative, the “phase” of the wave remains the same so long as the observers orientation remains the same. Obviously since our perspective is stationary and the wave is coming towards us from the Northern hemisphere and going away from us in to the South Pole we must record a change in Phase.
Quadrupole Magnetic Structure
A Quadrupole inside a Dipole has only 2 possible combinations of Rotations and Roll, these are 720* of Roll in 360* of Rotation around the Poloidal axis and the twin 360* rolling waves that complete 360* of rotation around the Toroids Poloidal axis. Not accounting for procession, this would produce a Helical trajectory of 1* for the equal and opposite components of the central Plasma Toroid.
Image Courtesy of NOAA NCEI/CIRES
Magnetic Declination of the Quadrants of a Toroid or a Single Turn Electrical Coil
Replacing 2D field lines with 3D Quadrupole Lobes such as those found by the Helical Motion of the Proton in a Hydrogen atom, the particle of masses motion creating 360* of Roll in 360* of Rotation to produce the “electron clouds” that match the wave function. The identical motion around the central Quadrupole Toroid shown opposite and the 720* cyclotron motion in the vortices shown below produce 3 sets of 8 quadrupole lobes that rotate at the same speed as the rotating Plasma Current that is producing them. Since the Sun is known to rotate faster at it Equator we can assume with certainty that the central quadrupole lobes move fast than the outer set.
Solar Minimum Internal Magnetic Structure 3D
During Solar Minimum the alignment of Quadrupole Lobes parallel to the Poloidal Z-axis is always opposite, ie (SN)(SN)(SN) and the pattern is maintained in all orientations. This produces a uniform Z-pinch and a Uniform toroidal Magnetic 3D structure, it also brings low surface activity on our Sun.
Due to the differential speed of rotation on the surface of the Sun as latitude increases from the Equator to the Poles. We can model the effects of a retarded phase angle that must exist as a result of plasma moving slower at the poles over the course of the 22 year solar Magnetic cycle.
If we say that the solar minimum structure is present on day zero and assume that after 1 rotation of the centre Toroid of the Sun in 18 Earth days, it will be 0.8* advanced of the 2 Polar Quadrupoles positions around the same axis. At the roughly estimated 18 day Rotation period, the center toroid completes 20 days in 1 Earth year.
The Angle of Trajectory for a superconducting toroidal lattice structure in 3D is 1.1*, since plasma is an electrically conducting fluid it has the ability to become a super conductor if such conditions are meet in the lattice structure of the toroid. All single turn electrical coils produce quadrupoles regardless of resistance as seen with Paul traps and Z-pinch fusion attempts.
Solar Maximun Internal Magnetic Structure 3D
The image opposite shows the Quadrupole alignment after 90* of advancement of the centre Toroid. The quadrants align so the red phase is opposite another red phase and likewise the blue phases are opposite the blue phase of the above outer quadrupoles.
To complete 90* roughly takes 5.5 years and positions every Poloidal plain parallel to the Z axis as (NS)(SN)(NS). This creates a magnetic 3D structure entirely different from Solar minimum and that is creating considerable surface activity and Solar flaring from Sun Spots around area’s of high Magnetic intensity.
To complete the other 3 quadrants of the 2 phase 22 year Solar Magnetic cycle, the centre toroid will complete the advance of each quadrant of the 360* every 5.5 years. This is the first and only mechanism for predicting the Solar Magnetic field changes that occur’s periodically though the Solar Cycle.
This information would not be possible without the understanding of Plasma that has went into the design of the Plasma Reactor.
Petroglyphs Showing the 3 Toroids Around a Z-Pinch
The recent discovery of rock art from Iran by Mahmood Kolnegari, Mohammad Naserifard, Mandana Hazrati, Matan Shelomi and the many other Squatterman images from Petroglyphs around the world it is possible to understand why these images were seen as so important to all cultures world wide at the time. These images have been created in plasma by using a very high voltage discharge in the medium. Unfortunately these images can not be show to you on this website due to permission being denied. However the link above will take you straight to a search engine result of the many Petroglyphs that have been documented.
Across the Galactic Magnetic Declination
The Exact Trajectory of our Solar System can not be calculated due to insufficient data. In the image opposite we can see the effects of the larger Galactic Equatorial current sheet wave that has Equipotential lines similar to that of Earths Magnetic Declination map. As we rotate over these long period waves we periodically transition from grand solar maximum to grand solar minimum.
We do have sufficient rough data to calculate the trajectory of Earth around the Solar System from a galactic perspective.
By using 1 quarter of both the distances travelled by the Sun and Earth in 1 year we can roughly calculate the trajectory using trigonometry.
Sun = 1812500000000 in 3 months
Earth = 235000000km in 3 months
Angle of trajectory for Earth = 0.007429*
In this system the Galactic Magnetic Structure plays a vital role in controlling our Sun’s cycles. We can not assume the Solar System to be an independent system. The magnetic wave that produces the current sheet, is focused to the centre of the Sun due to the spherical shape. The shape acts like 2 concave lenses to the wave, the Suns surface acts like a wave guide focusing the Galactic energy into the core to power our star.
Point source waves around a point in 3 dimensions
The Plasma Reactor utilises the potential difference created by the volume decreasing on the Z-Pinch since energy is only conserved in the direction of travel around the toroid, this can be calculated roughly by using the Inverse square law in reverse. Since the inverse Square Law represents the Wave front expanding into an ever increasing volume perpendicular to the propagation direction. This is measured by the surface area of a sphere increasing inversely to its volume. Since a Toroid can be considered to produce a wave in all directions we can assume due to volume decreasing the energy intensity increases exponentially as it approaches the Z-axis, this formula is used in E=MC2. The Constant refers to the volume required for compressed matter in a system to expand to equilibrium. E=MC2 is at its mathematical core the reverse of the Inverse Square Law, since Time is a distance measurement.