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If you are interested in learning more about the Universe, below are the links of papers and websites that have inspired me. I hope they will inspire you as much as they did me.
Explore The Experiments of others to understand more about our Universe
Explosive Growth of Non Linear Plasma Currents in Fusion Research
Showing the need for 3D understanding of pressure changes in the Magnetosphere
https://www.alphalabinc.com/about-electromagnetism/ - The information put together on this companies webpage is fantastic and i look forward to being able to utilise their services in the future. The unified wave theory would not exist with out their influence, due to their description of a rotating current inside a permanent magnet.
https://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/wrong1.html - Cognitive dissonance makes it difficult for a belief system that has long been taught and thought of as “truth” or “Law” to be replaced, in the link above NASA explain how all commonly taught theories on lift generating foils can be proven to be incorrect.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL7QIOZteWPpBWBOl8i0e-g - Skyscholar is a great education tool and Pierre-Marie Robitaille, Ph.D., has a gift at making complicated physics much simpler to understand and isn’t afraid to say what needs to be said.
I Highly recommend Eric Laithwaite lecture from the Imperial College of London. His use of water to describe electrical currents allows for a unique insight into the Plasma Physics of MHD.
If you wish to filter out the noise of the 2D thinker then you can read either of the threads that I can no longer contribute to. I was constantly asked to provide Math, I thought applying the 10 times table to an exponential expanding or contracting volume was simple enough not requiring to be expanded on. Evidently not and here